In a nutshell

This year, a large tabletop gaming convention decided they weren't going to run an online version of their event, for completely reasonable reasons. A motley bunch of members of the Pelgrane Press Discord decided to see if they could fill the gap. This is the result: a multi-timezone, three-day mini-convention of Pelgrane Press games.


  • Now: figuring out registrations after the demise of Warhorn, building schedules, etc.
  • May 18th: finalize and publish game schedule
  • May-June: gauge interest in game lineup, adjust as needed, work on registration system
  • early July: start general game signups
  • August 2nd-4th: Pelicon!


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this officially associated with Pelgrane?
No. This is a fan-run event. Pelgrane Press is graciously assisting us with information, but this is not an official Pelgrane Press production.
How about Gen --
How many games can I sign up for?
When we get to signups, you'll be able to sign up for as many games as you want. If there are more people than slots, we will ask people to drop games in order to even things out.
How can I help?
Hang tight and be patient! We have a solid list of games and we're working on getting it published.
What games will be available?
All the Pelgrane Press games we can manage, possibly some other GUMSHOE games, and maybe some surprises.
Where do we go to chat about Pelicon?
Pelgrane Press Discord is the place to be!